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The Infinity® line of smartcard readers
Click to read more Infinity USB Unlimited
The next generation of smartcard programmers... The Infinity USB Unlimited supports phoenix-based cards over USB. It has two smartcard connectors (regular and SIM/GSM), a fullspeed USB 2.0 interface and a very powerful firmware-upgradable CPU ensures that this programmer has no limitations.
Click to read more Infinity USB Smart
The brand new Infinity USB Smart is low on cost yet rich in features. Based on a driverless USB connection, it creates a virtual COMport on the PC, or a Linux based host like a DreamBox/STB, enabling a generic Smartmouse / Phoenix interface, with support for all common clockrates.
Click to read more Infinity USB Phoenix
An advanced smartcard programmer that directly supports all popular PIC-based and AVR-based (Fun) cards. The hardware based phoenix interface makes it compatible with most third party phoenix software. This combination makes it a very powerful hybrid programmer with great compatibility.
Click to read more Infinity USB (discontinued)
Based on a fast processor and connected to a USB port, it ensures fast and stable programming of most popular smartcards on the market and offers a very high degree of functionality at a very competitive price.
Click to read more Funprogrammer USB
A highquality yet cost-effective alternative to those only needing AVR-based programming capabilities for all Fun/Atmegacards. A superior replacement for the current parallelbased Funprogrammer 1.2

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