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Infinity USB Unlimited/Smart SDK updated! Wednesday, August 24, 2016
We are always interested in hearing about developers integrating our products into their products and solutions, and we're ofcourse ready with assistance for interfacing to our products.
SDK and documentation can be downloaded from the developer page.
Windows 10 compatibility Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Infinity USB Unlimited and Infinity USB Smart has been tested extensively on Windows 10 and are both confirmed to work with no issues.
Software updates (for Windows 8) Friday, January 11, 2013
The drivers for Infinity USB Unlimited and Infinity USB Smart has been updated with support for Windows 8 (32 and 64 bit).
All current Infinity products are now Windows 8 compatible!
Software can be downloaded from the download page.
WB-Loader AES v1.13 released Wednesday, October 17, 2012
WB-Loader AES has been released, with support for ATmega8515 based cards. 256bit encryption/decryption takes place in the card, with a key supplied from the host during runtime.
WB-Loader is offered free of charge, and is one of the easiest ways to get (secure) data storage in a smartcard application.
WB-Loader, WB-Loader AES and the developer section can be found at www.infinityusb.com/developers.
Infinity USB Smart released! Tuesday, March 31, 2009
We have now officially released the Infinity USB Smart, a new module based smartcardreader / programmer. The device has been on it's way for quite a while, but now it's ready! The first batches has been shipped to customers and dealers, and we have received very good response so far.
The main features of the Infinity USB Smart:- External USB-based cardreader for Dreambox or other Linux based Set-top Boxes (STB) or embedded systems
- Upgradable with software modules for completely new
- Smartmouse/Phoenix compatible on both Windows and Linux
- Innovative dome-shaped design
- Low cost
- Full SDK (Software Developer Kit)
For further information on functionality, features etc., please see the product page at www.infinityusb.com/products.
Infinity USB Unlimited SDK updated! Monday, April 14, 2008
The Software Developer Kit for Infinity USB Unlimited has been updated from v2.07 to v2.50, and the documentation and SDK is available for download.
The primary news in the new version is the support of synchronous smartcards (for instance I2C/EEPROM, and the popular SLE4442, SLE4428 and compatible security cards).
We are always interested in hearing about developers integrating our products into their products and solutions, and we're ofcourse ready with assistance for interfacing to our products.
SDK and documentation can be downloaded from the developer page.
OpenSC/OpenCT support Monday, June 12, 2006
Support is currently being added for the Infinity USB Unlimited in the OpenCT project. OpenCT implements drivers for several smart card readers and now also has limited support for the Infinity USB Unlimited. When OpenCT fully supports the Infinity USB Unlimited it will be possible to use your Infinity USB Unlimited as a PCSC, PKCS11 or CT API reader in Linux. Read more about the possibilities of OpenSC / OpenCT.
 | Software updates |  | | |
Infinity USB Unlimited v2.84 Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Software for Infinity USB Unlimited (programmer software) has been updated and released, with support for ATmega8515+24C64 based cards, and a WHQL certified driver.
For a list of all new features, click here.
Software can be downloaded from the download page.
Infinity Preboot Authentication v1.13 released Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Many systems, or servers require a password to be entered before the host operating system can be started. This typically requires entering a password manually from a keyboard at the station. An example is the Truecrypt preboot authentication bootloader.
The Infinity USB Smart preboot keyboard package solves this problem with a new module which emulates a USB keyboard combined with a smartcard reader.
In this first version, Infinity USB Smart and ATmega8515+24C64 chipcards are supported.
The User's Guide is available here
Software can be downloaded from the download page.
Infinity USB Unlimited v2.81 Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Software for Infinity USB Unlimited (programmer software) has been updated and released, with a number of few small bugs fixed.
For a list of all new features, click here.
Software can be downloaded from the download page.
Infinity USB Smart v1.14 Friday, January 28, 2011
Software for Infinity USB Smart has been updated and released.
For a list of all new features, click here. Any feedback on the new modules is very welcome at the forum or by email support@wbe.dk
Software can be downloaded from the download page.
Windows 7 compatibility Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Infinity product-line has now been tested on the final version of Windows 7, and we're happy to announce that the Infinity USB Phoenix, Infinity USB Smart and Infinity USB Unlimited works perfectly on Windows 7.
Infinity USB Smart and Infinity USB Phoenix works without any special settings, while Infinity USB Unlimited must be run under an administrator account (right-click the shortcut and choose "Run as administrator"). A future software-update will make it possible to run the Infinity USB Unlimited under a normal user account.
Linux VCP for Infinity USB Unlimited Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Alain Degreffe today released a first alpha version of a VCP (Virtual COMPort) module for Linux, called iuu_phoenix.
Alain says: "This module provide a serial interface to use your IUU unit in phoenix mode. Loading this module will bring a ttyUSB[0-x] interface. This device must be used by your favorite application to pilot the IUU".
The VCP module can be downloaded from the download page.
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Infinity SIM Editor can be used for reading/restoring deleted SIM/Text messages on most SIM-cards?
Infinity SIM Editor is part of the software package for the Infinity USB Unlimited hardware.
Read more here! |